
How to install a sapphire screen protector

We know our installation tool is a bit outdated, and it can be tricky, especially for those new to the product. We've tried out some of the popular pull tab methods, but because sapphire is so rigid, they just don't work well. Don't worry though — if you run into any issues during installation, we’ll send you a free replacement. You'll only need to cover the $5 shipping fee!

The Easy Method

This method minimizes the risk of mistakes, you will be able to fix most of the issues without stress.


Wipe the screen and dust removal sticker


Snap the guiding frame and remove all dust specks on the screen. Please don't forget to double check.


Peel off the screen protector and attach a sticker at the buttom, this sticker will act as a pull tab which will help move dust specks and air pockets.


Apply pressure and let the screen protector adhere to the display. Pull it up with the sticker if there's any air pockets.

Remove dust specks

Lift up the screen protector with the pull tab, and insert another sticker to bring the dust speck out.

Final touch

After checking everything is good, pull out the sticker and adhere that area.

The Quick Method

This method is quick, but it can be tricky if any dust specks get beneath the screen protector accidentally.


Wipe the screen thoroughly

Remove dust specks

Snap on the guiding frame and clear all dust specks with the sticker. Please double check that the screen is dust free.

Peel and align

Peel off the screen protector and align it to the frame.


Use both of your fingers to slowly apply pressure from one side to the other. This will make sure that there is no air pockets trapped inside.